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Ulearum donburnsii

Regular price $20.00

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Grower's Choice

Introducing the Ulearum donburnsii, a beautiful tropical terrarium plant that comes rooted in a 3in pot. This Grower's Choice plant is an excellent choice for your pixie houseplant garden or as a standalone addition to your collection.

Known for its unique foliage, the Ulearum donburnsii will add an exotic touch to any space. Its leaves feature intricate patterns of dark green and silver that contrast beautifully against its soft, velvety texture.

This low-maintenance plant is perfect for those who want to add some greenery without worrying about complicated care requirements. It thrives in environments with moderate humidity and indirect sunlight, making it an ideal choice for terrariums or indoor gardens.

With its compact size and stunning appearance, the Ulearum donburnsii will make an excellent addition to any home or office space. Order yours today and bring some tropical flair into your life!

Ulearum donburnsii belongs to the Araceae family and is native to the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador. It sets itself apart from its relative, Ulearum sagittatum, through its spadix, characterized by finer, thread-like staminodes. This plant features arrowhead-shaped leaves and grows on the ground from petite rhizomes. First documented in 2003, this species was named in honor of Don Burns, a renowned cultivator of aroids and a valued member of the International Aroid Society. Native to Ecuador. 

Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Partial Shade to Full Shade
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Leaves: Evergreen
Fruit: Other: Berries dark green and red spotted when ripe.
Underground structures: Rhizome