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Monstera deliciosa, 'Split-Leaf', juvenile, seed grown 4in pot

Regular price $16.00

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Monstera deliciosa, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Split-Leaf Philodendron, is a popular and iconic tropical houseplant known for its distinctive, perforated leaves. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for Monstera deliciosa:

  1. Leaf Structure:

    • The most recognizable feature of Monstera deliciosa is its large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves that develop unique splits and holes as the plant matures. These fenestrations contribute to its nickname "Swiss Cheese Plant."
  2. Growth Habit:

    • Monstera deliciosa is a climbing or trailing plant that can grow both indoors and outdoors. It produces aerial roots that help it climb and attach to nearby structures.
  3. Aerial Roots:

    • The plant's aerial roots play a role in climbing and provide additional support. In its natural habitat, Monstera deliciosa may climb trees in rainforests.
  4. Flowering and Fruiting:

    • In favorable conditions, mature Monstera deliciosa plants may produce spadix-type flowers surrounded by a white spathe. While the flowers are not particularly showy, the plant can eventually bear edible fruit, often referred to as "Monstera fruit" or "Swiss Cheese fruit."
  5. Light Requirements:

    • Prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate lower light conditions, too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Protect it from harsh midday sun.
  6. Watering:

    • Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out before watering. Monstera deliciosa prefers moderately moist soil but can tolerate short periods of drought.
  7. Humidity:

    • Appreciates higher humidity levels, especially in indoor environments. Regular misting or placing the plant in a humid location can be beneficial.
  8. Temperature:

    • Thrives in warm temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 27 degrees Celsius). Avoid exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
  9. Soil:

    • Use a well-draining, aerated potting mix rich in organic matter. A mix formulated for aroids or tropical plants is suitable.
  10. Fertilization:

    • Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or eliminate fertilization in the fall and winter.
  11. Propagation:

    • Monstera deliciosa can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take a cutting with at least one node, allow it to root in water or a suitable rooting medium, and then plant it in a new container.
  12. Pruning:

    • Pruning can be done to control the size and shape of the plant. Removing damaged or yellowing leaves helps maintain its aesthetic appeal.

Monstera deliciosa is a relatively low-maintenance plant and is well-suited for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. It has gained popularity as an interior decoration choice due to its unique foliage and adaptability to different environments.