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Alocasia cuprea, 'Red Secret', 'Jewel'

Regular price $20.00

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Grower's Choice

Alocasia cuprea, commonly known as the "Red Secret" or "Jewel Alocasia," is a stunning tropical plant admired for its unique and attractive foliage. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for Alocasia cuprea:

  1. Leaf Appearance:

    • The leaves are heart-shaped and have a metallic sheen, often resembling polished copper.
    • The undersides of the leaves are a deep maroon to red color, adding to its ornamental appeal.
  2. Size:

    • Alocasia cuprea is a relatively small to medium-sized plant, making it suitable for indoor cultivation.
  3. Light Requirements:

    • These plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
  4. Watering:

    • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.
    • Alocasia cuprea prefers high humidity, so misting the leaves or placing a humidity tray nearby can be beneficial.
  5. Soil:

    • Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix to ensure good aeration for the roots.
  6. Temperature:

    • Maintain a warm and humid environment. Alocasia cuprea prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).
  7. Fertilization:

    • Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) but reduce or eliminate fertilization in the dormant winter months.
  8. Propagation:

    • Alocasia cuprea can be propagated through division during the growing season. Ensure that each division has a portion of the rhizome and healthy roots.
  9. Pests:

    • Watch out for common houseplant pests such as spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. Keep the plant clean and inspect regularly for signs of infestation.
  10. Pruning:

    • Remove any yellowing or damaged leaves regularly to promote overall plant health and appearance.

Alocasia cuprea is a prized addition to tropical plant collections and indoor gardens due to its striking foliage. As with any plant, providing proper care and attention to its specific needs will contribute to its overall well-being and vibrancy.